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    Join Our Webinars: Mastering Your University of California Applications: A Guide to UC Davis

    Upcoming Events

    02 Nov, 2024

    03 : 50

    Because of the increasingly fierce competition for admission to selective universities, a clear, forward-looking plan for higher education is especially important. 


    At our monthly YCYW Careers and University Guidance Office (CUGO) University Webinar Series, experienced university admissions officers and industry experts will share exclusive strategies to make each of the steps to your "dream school" more determined and confident.


    The third episode of the YCYW Careers and University Guidance Office (CUGO) University Webinar Series will take place on 4 Nov!!

    Mastering Your University of California Applications: A Guide to UC Davis

    • Guest

      Ms San Lee

      Associate Director of International Admissions & Recruitment at UC Davis




      Mr John Liu

      Head of Careers and University Guidance and Student Development, YCYW

    • Highlights

      💡 Master the UC application strategies and essential tips

      💡 Explore unique academic and research programmes at UC Davis

      💡 Get insider tips on how to craft a winning UC application

    • Date and Time

      4 Nov. (Monday), 6 p.m.


      The sessions will be conducted in English, and Chinese translation will be provided.


      Don't miss this opportunity to help your child be successful.
